¿De qué va esto?

Esto es un blog pro-Israeli.

Lo creamos hace ya casi cinco años, en los albores de la operación Litani, tras el secuestro de Ehud y Eldad. Cuando Gilad llevaba más de un mes en manos de Hamas.

Han pasado casi cinco años. Gilad sigue en manos de Hamas, Ehud y Eldad volvieron a Israel. Muertos. Muchas cosas han pasado, pero poco ha cambiado. Una tregua, Sderot bajo el fuego de los qassam, atentados, una operación contra Hamas, la reconciliación entre Fatah y Hamas, informes sesgados, la ONU, secuestros en Gaza, flotillas pseudo-pacifistas…

Lo que nos hizo abrir este blog en ese momento, fue notar que no recibíamos información sobre lo que pasaba en Israel. Empezamos a traducir noticias, a escribir crónicas basándonos en la información que recogíamos de fuentes de todo el mundo.

Después la calma, después otras luchas en otros lugares. Nos volvimos más críticos, más pesimistas.

Pero seguimos aquí, y pensamos, que pese a quien pese, Israel seguirá existiendo. Y seguiremos peleando, para que eso sea así.

jueves, 3 de agosto de 2006

Lo que nunca leerás en la prensa española (en inglés, estoy cansada para traducir)

The U.N. official quoted below has been spouting the typical moral equivalence about the Israel/Hezbollah war, but his specific criticism of Hezbollah is surprisingly frank and accurate. From FoxNews: U.N. Chief Accuses Hezbollah of 'Cowardly Blending' Among Refugees.
The U.N. humanitarian chief accused Hezbollah on Monday of "cowardly blending" among Lebanese civilians and causing the deaths of hundreds during two weeks of cross-border violence with Israel.
The militant group has built bunkers and tunnels near the Israeli border to shelter weapons and fighters, and its members easily blend in among civilians.
Jan Egeland spoke with reporters at the Larnaca airport in Cyprus late Monday after a visit to Lebanon on his mission to coordinate an international aid effort. On Sunday he had toured the rubble of Beirut's southern suburbs, a once-teeming Shiite district where Hezbollah had its headquarters.
During that visit he condemned the killing and wounding of civilians by both sides, and called Israel's offensive "disproportionate" and "a violation of international humanitarian law."
On Monday he had strong words for Hezbollah, which crossed into Israel and captured two Israeli soldiers on July 12, triggering fierce fighting from both sides.
"Consistently, from the Hezbollah heartland, my message was that Hezbollah must stop this cowardly blending ... among women and children," he said. "I heard they were proud because they lost very few fighters and that it was the civilians bearing the brunt of this. I don't think anyone should be proud of having many more children and women dead than armed men."

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